Sunday, October 19, 2008

Elliptical burns calorie faster

If you are looking for a low-impact machine for a cardio workout try the elliptical. The first time I tried the elliptical, I feel a little awkward but as I keep on going and progressing, I felt the comfort level is making me like it. The good thing about this low-impact machine is that it burns calories faster as compared to a Threadmill. One example is a 150 pound woman, who works out with elliptical burns an estimated 387 calories in 30 minutes for a man of 180 pounds burns about 470 calories. If you are aiming a fitness goal in life consider an elliptical as one of the exercise machines to have. Elliptical trainers can be purchased in any sports and fitness stores and it varies in price. However, first things is check out the models at and browse at various models before making a purchase. If possible read the reviews first to make sure you find the best deal for your money.